Street Soccer Scotland; more than a game

Words Michael McEwan

There are a lot of different ways people can become involved in the beautiful game.

Street Soccer Scotland is one. The project uses football inspired training and personal development as a medium to empower people affected by social exclusion.

Street Soccer sessions are free and available to young people from the aged under 16 and offers a safe, friendly environment for players to enjoy a kick about, get some exercise and meet new people.

All sessions are led by experienced, approachable and trusted football coaches who look to offer help and support to players, rather than acting as a figure of authority.

Many of the staff at Street Soccer have faced the same issues and challenges as the players who take part and so they understand what it's like to feel alone and the huge difference that being part of a team can make.

Plus, of course, football is a good way to made new friends and to get fit. This is reflected in a survey of Street Soccer participants, of whom 89% of the players felt the scheme had improved their health and wellbeing, while a massive 94% of players believed Street Soccer had improved their general, day-to-day lives.

Laura is a Street Soccer volunteer who has been attending the Street 45 Womens sessions for four years. She says it saved her life.

“Previous to my time here, I was in and out of hospital all the time. I’d had a lot of trouble in my childhood, trusting men and other issues. My support worker at the time kept taking me to the local park to play football, it really felt like it was a good way of getting my childhood back. I then got referred to Street Soccer, which I hated at first. It was difficult for me to adjust to something new, trusting new people – but in the end, I think it’s saved my life.”

Speaking from personal experience, CEO and Founder David Duke states;

“The effects of poverty are brutal & devastate communities. Living in this environment means people are faced with a lack of opportunity, which leads to a lack of hope. I have experienced this and can only describe it as being locked in a cold & dark room with no doors. Waking up everyday with a feeling of hopelessness can lead to poor mental health, addiction, crime & in some cases death. That is why we are totally inclusive, respectful, and understanding while offering opportunity to anyone who needs it. We do not impose a time limit or any other expectations, only reassurance that we are here to inspire people to be all they can be.”

Street Soccer has changed lives and influenced change, whilst giving hope to many who are often overlooked in society; building their self worth, self confidence and creating positive role models.

It shows the power of football - whatever your ability - the game brings people together.

Football is more than a game and I hope it leads the way to more projects like this.

Image courtesy of Street Soccer Scotland

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